Obituary for Longtime Member William Pazienza
Please see the obituary for William "Billy Paz" Pazienza, longtime member of the Local.
2025 Monmouth & Ocean County Central Labor Council Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship Opportunity for Union Families Are you or your child attending college, university, or technical school? If you’re a member (or the child of a current or deceased member) of a union affiliated with the Monmouth and Ocean Central Labor Council AFL-CIO, you may be eligible to apply for this scholarship! Application Requirements: Proof of academic enrollment or acceptance. Verification of union membership. A 150+ word “Letter to the Editor” advocating for the Labor Movement or its support for working families, submitted to news outlets. Include a copy of the published letter with publication name and date. Click here for full application details.
Obituary for Retired Member John C. Carpenter Sr.
Please see the obituary for retired member John C. Carpenter Sr. from the Asbury Park Press
2025 Union Meeting Dates
LOCAL UNION 1289 P.O. BOX 1690 WALL, NJ 07719 2025 UNION MEETING DATES South – Local 400 Union Hall, 3301 Route 138 E, Wall, NJ 07719 Meets 3rd Tuesday, every other month North- Clinton Fire Department, 1 New Street, Clinton, NJ 08809 Meets 3rd Wednesday, every other month JANUARY 21 SOUTH FEBRUARY 19 NORTH MARCH 18 SOUTH APRIL 16 NORTH MAY 20 SOUTH JUNE 18 NORTH JULY 15 SOUTH AUGUST 20 NORTH SEPTEMBER 16 SOUTH OCTOBER 15 NORTH NOVEMBER 18 SOUTH DECEMBER 17 NORTH (CHRISTMAS PARTY)
Reorganization Announcement
Please be advised President/Business Manager Jeff Ecklof has retired. I am pleased to announce Jeff Munyan has been appointed to the President/Business Manager position for IBEW, Local 1289 effective immediately. Additional changes in leadership are Domenic Lazzaro has been appointed to the position of Recording Secretary and Sandra D’Alessio was appointed to the Assistant Business Manager position. Below is contact information for the new positions. Kindly forward all future communications to the following contacts as well as Vice President Bob Bruno. Jeffrey Munyan Cell phone # 732-850-6012 Sandra D’Alessio Cell phone # 732-859-7657 Domenic Lazzaro Cell phone # 908-309-7647